The Future of Online Income is Selling What You Know!


Spend Time With Award Winning Coach and 7-Figure Marketer, Ant Hodges - Learn Cutting-Edge Tactics to Innovate, Automate, and Dominate Your Niche.

Secure Your Spot NOW!

LIVE training together with all the accompanying resources to help you create an online business selling your knowledge, the scale it FAST!


Welcome to Business of Knowledge, a two-day online live event presented by Ant Hodges, where you will learn how to turn your expertise into a highly profitable online business.

Ant and the team at HodgesNet specialize in delivering world-class digital marketing strategies for online course creators, coaches, and experts, scaling to them to seven-figure successes. "Business of Knowledge" is a brand new online live event that has been created to empower you with the tools and insights needed to scale your business rapidly and achieve the freedom you desire.

This event is designed to address the unique challenges faced by ambitious professionals like you – those who seek to innovate, scale, and lead in the dynamic world of online knowledge selling.

When you Register for the "Business of Knowledge" 2-Day Online LIVE Event, Here is The Agenda That Will Follow...


Introduction and Welcome

Opportunties Everywhere!

As we kick off our time together, we'll set the stage for what promises to be an inspiring experience. Ant Hodges will share the full agenda for our time together. He'll also help to start building a community with everyone.

  • Overview of the Event: Briefing on the structure of the two-day live event, including session outlines and objectives.
  • Ice-Breaking Activities: Engaging activities to foster a sense of community and encourage networking among attendees.
  • Expectations and Goals: Setting your expectations for the event, encouraging participants to reflect on and share their individual goals for these two days.


Your Who and  Clarity of Vision

We start by getting an high level of clarity with our first session. We lay the cornerstone of your knowledge-based business by defining who you're meant to serve and understanding them fully. Through interactive exercises, you'll gain crystal-clear insight into your target audience, unraveling their needs, desires, and aspirations. This session is not just about identifying your audience; it's about aligning your vision with their goals, setting the stage for a business that resonates and thrives.

  • Focus: Identifying and understanding the target audience.
  • Activities: Exercises to clarify who you will serve with your online courses and programs, together with defining the goals of your target audience.


Product Suite and Offer Creation

Product development and offer creation form part of a pivotal segment of our journey together. In this intensive session, we'll focus on transforming the wealth of your knowledge into products and services that not only captivate but also compel your audience to buy from you. We'll dig into the art of understanding your market's needs and desires, ensuring that what you create is not just valuable, but truly irresistible. This session is about turning your ideas into tangible, market-ready products and crafting offers that your audience simply can't refuse.

  • Focus: Turning knowledge into irresistible products and crafting compelling offers.
  • Activities: Exploring market potential, packaging expertise into appealing products and services, and learning how to position these offerings as irresistible to prospects.


Deep Dive Funnel Engineering

Building a funnel that works in today's digital online world is completely different to how many trainers, coaches and "funnelhackers" still implement old-school methodologies and frameworks that are now more than 10 years out of date. As we step into a deep dive into the world of funnel engineering, you will get a fully guided strategy for the initial setup and alignment of your funnel elements, with clarity on how you can build on them to grow and develop your followers in the future.

  • Focus: Designing and developing a marketing funnel that works in today's online world.
  • Activities: Use worksheets and resources shared to start mapping out where you are starting from and how you will be able to build your funnel as you grow up and scale your business.


Live VIP Q&A With Ant Hodges

For all VIP's, you'll get an extra 1 hour live Q&A session with Ant following the sessions of Day 1

And here is the...



Let's Get Set for Tactical Mastery!

As we dive into Day 2, Ant Hodges will recap the insights and progress from Day 1. You'll reignite your energy and focus, ensuring you're primed to take in and implement the tactical mastery that lies ahead. We'll spend time reconnecting with others at this event.

  • Overview of Day 2: Briefing on the tactical sessions and what to expect.
  • Motivational Activities: Exercises to energize you and reinforce the community bond.
  • Reflection and Alignment: Reflect on Day 1 learnings and align your focus for the tactical deep dives ahead.


Start Selling Without Selling™

In this session, we'll explore Ant's unique Selling Without Selling™ strategy, designed to make the selling process comfortable, ethical, and incredibly effective. You'll learn how to engage with your audience in a natural and genuine way, transforming potential customers into raving fans who buy! This isn't just about selling; it's about connecting and providing value that speaks directly to the needs and desires of your audience.

  • Focus: Mastering the art of non-pushy, effective selling.
  • Activities: Exercises and interactive discussions to practice and understand the Selling Without Selling™ principles.


Craft a Marketing Blueprint

Marketing can be overwhelming with all of the possible options you can use to market your business online. This session is about cutting through the noise and focusing on strategies that truly matter. You'll learn to craft a marketing plan that's both effective and manageable, targeting the right people with the right message. We'll cover the latest in digital marketing trends and how to apply them to your unique business context.

  • Focus:  Developing a concise and powerful marketing strategy.
  • Activities: Create a marketing plan to leverage digital trends for your specific market.


Your Path Forward

As we wrap up our two-day journey, Ant Hodges will guide a closing session focused on action and continuation. This isn't the end but rather the beginning of your accelerated path. We'll discuss how to maintain momentum, continue learning, and stay connected with the community you've built. There will be a time for Reflection and Commitment - sharing key takeaways and commitments to action.

Meet your host...

Ant Hodges

Award-winning marketing coach and total geek!

Ant stands at the forefront of a digital marketing revolution, where those who want to sell online products are creating them from simply the knowledge they have in their minds already. With a track record of crafting seven-figure marketing strategies, his expertise is not just theoretical; it's grounded in real-world successes. Many clients and students have achieved multi-million annual revenues and Ant himself is a celebrated 7-figure "Millionaire Mogul."

Click here to join the waiting list for advance notifications of tickets for the future events

What Others Are Saying About Ant's Business of Knowledge Training

"After attending the Business of Knowledge event I have learnt how to create a niche, a stairway of products and Ant's selling without selling. It’s been fantastic! Thanks, Ant."

Nick from Time Clinics

"The Business of Knowledge event was a superb, informative and inspirational insight into the techniques you need to actually generate income for your business online. I'd certainly attend again."

Paul from Go-Legal HR

"The Business of Knowledge event has been absolutely fantastic. What I’ve learnt about how to progress my business and move it forward is second to none; I can’t wait to take action. Thank you."

Sophia from Heartfelt Moments

 "Attending today... all I can say is it's been fantastic and it's really given me some vision as to where I can take my business as an extra avenue of income. Thanks Ant and the team!"

Paul from Utility Warehouse

"I’ve had a fabulous day attending the Business of Knowledge event with Ant Hodges ... It's given me lots and lots of fantastic content to go away and think about. Thanks, Ant."

Jo, Copywriter and Brand Voice Advisor

"The biggest takeaway from the Business of Knowledge event is understanding how my products fit together. It's been amazing to spend a day on my business with a really great group of people!"

Phil from Build Your Salon