ATTENTION: Online Business Owners Generating Six Figures Per Year Who Aspire to Scale Up to Seven Figures and Beyond!

More IMPACT, more FREEDOM and more SUCCESS

Private Client Scaling Services

A Personal Message from Award Winning 7-Figure Mastercoach Ant Hodges

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Imagine a world where you NO LONGER need to struggle on your own with the strategies to grow your business. Well, that world is here. You've found an Award Winning Mastercoach in the name of Ant Hodges, ready to take you by the hand to achieve more IMPACT, more FREEDOM and more SUCCESS.

It’s Time for Your Marketing and Sales Efforts
to Produce the Results You Want!

Hey, Go-Getter!

It's clear to me that if you’re a person in business that’s been able to grow a 6-figure income stream - you have something valuable to offer people. They are paying you money for your service right now, which is AWESOME! By earning this level of income, your proven offer is selling, and every month, you are seeing at least ten thousand dollars hit your bank account.

If you’re at this point, then you need to celebrate 🎉 Many people spend years trying to figure this one out, but you seem to have nailed it!

But, if you’re here reading this right now, you’re probably frustrated with the way every guru, funnel hacker and marketer has promised you results with their ‘proven’ methods that see little or no return. Your investment into their high-ticket course, their mastermind or their agency, has delivered nothing.

It is time to stop buying ‘product launch courses’ and ‘course creation training’ which all offer complicated ways to grow your online business. It's now time to simplify your launches, implement my Minimum Viable Funnel™ and scale up by following my Selling Without Selling™ methodology. It's time to elevate and scale to the next level.

Continue reading to fond out more!

Speak soon,

Ant 🐜

If scaling beyond a 6-figure income ceiling is a challenge for you right now, then I am pretty sure I know what the problem is…

...and I don't want to sound too egotistical when I say that I believe I have the solution.

I have successfully worked with clients globally, helping them to scale their online businesses.

Every problem I have seen seems to come down to three main challenges that I have solved time and time again:

Problem 1

You’re trying to manage it all on your own.

Problem 2

You’re treating the symptoms of poor marketing efforts rather than trying to find the cause of the problems and eliminate them.

Problem 3

You are called to be the expert in your own subject matter, not a marketing expert.

Let me share with you how I have seen these challenges manifest in the business of those clients that I have worked with and why it’s crucial to find ways to solve them.

Take a few minutes now to read the answers below and learn how I can help you avoid them to scale up FAST. You can also apply to have an initial call with me to see how my team at HodgesNet can step in and help your business with our VIP Client Scaling Services. Be quick though, my schedule gets booked up, and people are already booking in calls for the next few weeks.

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Clients we work with:


Have a proven offer or suite of knowledge based products that generate between $15,000 to $85,000 per month.


Are open and coachable when it comes to learning from our expertise.


Know that success in the online world requires investment in advertising and have a budget of at least $3,000 a month to spend on ads.


Are true experts, not just Chat GPT regurgitators. This means creating regular content so we can use it in marketing and ads, making it a breeze for them.


Implement and take action themselves where needed - they don’t abdicate their business success to us fully, they play their part in delivering awesome products and services to their clients, like we do for ours.


Realistic expectations that all marketing is a test and may require a period of time of iterations and updates to get things firing on all cylinders.

I only work with a select few clients at any given time and, even if we feel that we are a good fit for one another, there may be a waiting list for us to get started. I also have a strict criteria for the clients that we work with. If you tick all the boxes above then book your discovery call today.

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What is it like working with the Ant?


The BIG problems I see in most businesses - explained a little more...

Problem 1:
You are trying to manage it all on your own

As a self-employed entrepreneur wanting to grow a successful and profitable business, making money while you serve others and make a difference to their lives, is an honourable path to walk - but one that will have it's challenges… least of all the challenge of time.

Time is your most valuable commodity and you only have so much of it every week. When you are trying to do everything on your own, life becomes a constant hustle. When you’re trying to build your funnels, write the copy, design everything on Canva, create your courses, learn how to run ads without losing money, film and edit videos… and then deliver for your customer, time will run away with you.

Wearing all the hats is exhausting. You have probably tried to do is employ a VA or two. When it comes to finding the perfect VA, it’s like searching for a needle in a haystack, there are as many good VAs as there are others that will start well but ghost you just as fast. Building the right team around you is a drain.

But with my help you can build the RIGHT team.

Having worked in the agency world for over 20 years, employing and training many marketing professionals and service providers, I know how to sort the wheat from the chaff. Simplifying things so you don't need a huge team will be our first job. Then outsourcing once to a project manager, with a team, will be next. They take all the marketing off your shoulders, so that all you have to do is focus on creating expert-level content that is personal to you. Everything else is handled for you.

I’m talking about strategy, design, copywriting, funnels, ads and social video all being done for you. You can be everywhere and anywhere online… but only with a team who have your back. That’s what I want to help you create - maybe some of my team can make that possible too!

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Problem 2:
You are treating the symptoms of poor marketing efforts rather than trying to find the cause of the problems and eliminate them

When you need some help with YouTube Ads, where do you go? To a YouTube Ads expert. When you want someone to tame the beast that is your marketing funnel and build something out that works, where do you go? To a Funnel Building Expert. When your social media marketing is just a time suck and you want someone else to manage it all for you, where do you go? To a Social Media Manager. And, when you need the best strategy to scale up your business online, who do you get help from? A seasoned digital marketing expert who knows what is working today.

Trying to fix one in isolation, might not be the ultimate solution for you. Attempting to fix the symptoms one at a time that manifest themselves as problems in your marketing, rather than looking at the root cause or the overarching strategy for your marketing, is the wrong way to fix your scaling challenges.

Things such as your messaging, offer and event at times and the product itself, can be what is causing your marketing not to get results. Even if your funnel has been running for some time, your potential customers' needs or wants may have changed, but you have not evolved your marketing.

Smart, highly successful online entrepreneurs who have scaled to multiple 7-figure incomes have learned one thing - when you develop and manage all aspects of your marketing in a strategic way that is reviewed regularly, you get better results. With separate service providers and multiple VA’s, the cohesive strategy is lost. You’ll be the one left managing everyone, communicating between them all and developing the strategy yourself. Remember, you’re not supposed to be the marketing expert.

You don’t want to fix ill-performing YouTube ads if your landing page is the one thing that needs to be fixed, and you don’t want to be posting more social media quotes and images when short-form video posts perform better.

When a strategic marketing manager handles this all, then the way that everything interacts with all team members involved and it happens without you needing to be involved in every decision, that’s a winning way to scale up FAST! Together as your strategic partner and an in-sync team of experts delivering everything for you, I can help you stay in your zone of genius as the expert you are, and your team will stay in theirs.

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Problem 3:
You are called to be the expert in your own subject matter, not a marketing expert

You went into business because you’re an expert in what you do. Staying in your lane and remaining as the expert in your niche is the best thing that you can do to achieve the levels of success you want and provide your customers with the results they’re paying you for. The consistency will pay off. Planning, creating and executing all of your marketing will distract you and take you away from the revenue-generating activities you need to stay zoned in on.

When you start a business everything is about getting and keeping customers. Plus, you don’t have the money and budget to outsource or employ. When you’ve moved past this start-up phase and grow into a higher-level business, that’s when you need to focus on your business and leave aspects like marketing to others. You are at this stage in your business right now. If you earn at least 6-figures a year in your business, it’s time to move to the next growth phase.

All the things that you have done that have enabled you to grow from just an idea to a 6-figure income, will not get you to 7-figures. You need systems, a team and a different strategy to make that happen. Staying on top of what is working in marketing, recruiting the best talent and doing everything needed to build the business so that reaching that 7-figure goal is draining.

The activity you need to be focussed on is delivering the best you can to your customers. Advertising, social media and funnels can all be managed for you by marketing geeks who live and breathe marketing every day. Strategically that's what I can manage for you, and then build a team that works behind the scenes for you also. When you pass on the work to create your regular social media posts, running your Google and Facebook ads and managing platforms like Kajabi, to someone else, you’ll get all that time back!

You can use that time to serve more customers, run more sales presentations and webinars, develop more products or simply start to live the lifestyle you wanted to when you started your business. You be you. Let your team and I be the marketing experts.

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